Кантата 5 (Cantata No. 5)

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"Wo soll ich fliehen hin" is a hymn in seven stanzas by the German Baroque poet, Lutheran minister and hymn-writer Johann Heermann. It was first published in 1630 during the Thirty Years' War. It is a penitential hymn for Lent.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Wo soll ich fliehen hin" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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Wo soll ich fliehen hin, Where shall I flee, de:Kantate 5, el:Καντάτα 5, fr:Cantate 5, ko:칸타타 번호 5, hr:Kantata 5, nl:Cantate 5, ja:カンタータ第5号, pl:Kantata 5, ru:Кантата 5, sr:Кантата 5, sv:Kantat 5, tr:Kantat 5, zh:康塔塔号5