Symphonic Poem No. 6 "Mazeppa"

Piano solo arr. August Stradal

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Publisher: Breitkopf und Härtel (Leipzig), 1902. Plate 23487.

O Symphonic Poem No. 6 "Mazeppa"

Franz Liszt's Transcendental Étude No. 4 in D minor, "Mazeppa", is the fourth Transcendental Étude, published in 1852, and part of a much larger cultural legacy of Mazeppa. The étude was inspired by Lord Byron's poem "Mazeppa", in which the legendary hero is strapped onto a horse which is set free to run wild.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Transcendental Etude No. 4 (Liszt)" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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