83 pieces found
Rezultati 81 - 83
- Greensleeves
4 Cello "Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song. A broadside ballad by the name "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" was registered by Richard Jones at the London Stationer's Company in...
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- Greensleeves
- Greensleeves
School Orchestra "Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song. A broadside ballad by the name "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" was registered by Richard Jones at the London Stationer's Company in...
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- Greensleeves
- Machination No. 1
Клавир Machination No. 1 is an easy piece for piano. It is in 3/4 and in A major. It was influenced by the minimalist movement. Machination No. 1 was written in the Summer of 2008 during an inspirational ...
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