Te Deum laudamus


Nota ikona


    • Buxtehude: Te Deum BuxWV 218, pt. 1 of 2
    • Буктехуде је стихове о Те Деум , изводе Дејвид Цреан на Флентроп оргуља у Варнер Концертној дворани у Оберлин колеџу . youtube.com


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O Te Deum laudamus

The "Te Deum" is a Latin Christian hymn traditionally ascribed to AD 387 authorship, but with antecedents that place it much earlier. It is central to the Ambrosian hymnal, which spread throughout the Latin Church with other parts of the Milanese Rite in the 6th to 8th centuries. It is sometimes known as the "Ambrosian Hymn", although authorship by Saint Ambrose is unlikely. The term "Te Deum" can also refer to a short religious service based upon the hymn.
The above text from the Wikipedia article "Te Deum" text is available under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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