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Recenzije Variations on a theme by G. F. Handel 'The Harmonius Blacksmith'

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3 recenzija

Variations on a theme by G. F. Handel 'The Harmonius Blacksmith' Rating: 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.
    • Very nice, not too difficult to play

    • MV · 23 Новембар 2014
    • This is an excellent piece of music. Great clarity for the sheet as well. Thanks to the person uploading this. You have given the world another chance to study beautiful song. Again, thank you.

    • Nasrul chotib · 15 Јул 2013
    • Da un grande brano di Handel, Giuliani e' riuscito con grande maestria a trasformare la struttura del brano adattandola alle sonorita' della chitarra classica...Lode al Grande e ineguagliabile Compositore Italiano Mauro Giuliani.

    • Gianfranco Ruia · 4 Мај 2011